Associate Research Fellow
Vitas Atmadi Prakoso
Research Institute for Freshwater Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Core Competence
Aquaculture, Fish Physiology, Fish Domestication, Fish Reproduction
Education Background
Bachelor degree: Aquatic Resources
Management (IPB University, Bogor)

Master degree: Fisheries Science (Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea)
Research Experience
1. Development of Intensive Production Technology on Asian redtail catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus)

2. Domestication of Endangered Native Fish Species: Collections, Identification, Characterization, and Ecological Aspects of Tank Goby and Barred Loach

1. Increasing Productivity on Second Generation of Asian redtail catfish broodstock from Cirata population

1. Valorisation of local biodiversity, domestication and sustainable aquaculture in Indonesia
(Biology and control of reproduction of Giant Gourami (Osphronemus goramy) for improvement of egg production methods)

2. Valorisation of local biodiversity, domestication and sustainable aquaculture in Indonesia
(Elucidating the thermal biology of Giant Gourami eggs and larvae for improving the survival rate of early life stages and the productivity of hatcheries)

3. Application on seedling production of Asian redtail catfish in local government hatchery unit

1. Seedling production of native freshwater fish species through hormonal approach

2. Valorisation of local biodiversity, domestication and sustainable aquaculture in Indonesia
(Elucidating the thermal biology of Giant Gourami larvae for improving the productivity of hatcheries)

1. Breeding technology of potential native freshwater fish species

1. Breeding technology of potential native freshwater fish species